Pray For Ukraine banner – INSTANT DOWNLOAD MEDIA file – digital jpg.file


As of March 19, 2022, my family is still in Melitopol, Ukraine. The city is currently captured by Russian soldiers. I do not know what will happen tomorrow, because the food, medicine and gasoline ends, and constantly listen to the explosions. I'm scared. 

I already feel HUGE SUPPORT from a lot of my buyers.
You text me and check out how’s my family is doing.
This is more than I’ve ever expected!
YOU PRAY for us and we feel it!
My family are staying in Ukraine, we try to do what we can, helping our town the way we can.

This will be a good support for us in these hardest times.
Thank you all! We also remember you in our prayers.
Thank you for your kind heart! God bless you!
May this madness come to an end and peace be restored.